Friday, March 6, 2009

Apparently I'm old...

Well, I went to the gym on Monday with Sue,my mother in law, and her trainer, who worked me until I was going to to fall over... no...really. Anyway, it was a good work out ,but my body was seriously aching to the point that I couldn't sit down or walk up and down stairs without being in pain. So, Maren asks me "what's wrong mommy?". I tell her I went to the gym to try and make my muscles stronger ( because I don't want to give my 6 year old a complex and tell her the real reason that I'm going, which is, let's face it, because I have way too much baby weight left...) and that sometimes your muscles get kind of sore when you do that, and we left it at that. The next day I was still complaining every time I went up the stairs and Maren tells me "Mommy, it's because your getting stronger and you're becoming a grandma...." HAHAHA! Yes. Clearly I'm an old woman in the eyes of my daughter and everyone her age.
Braden decide he wanted to take a shower in the sink...I walked in to find him sitting in it with the little sprayer thing in hand , hair and clothes all wet, not to mention the kitchen....Good times. My kids are awesome.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Cute Kids

Here they are at Apple Hill. Awwww

Sup Foo?

Test post. This is only a test.