Friday, March 6, 2009

Apparently I'm old...

Well, I went to the gym on Monday with Sue,my mother in law, and her trainer, who worked me until I was going to to fall over... no...really. Anyway, it was a good work out ,but my body was seriously aching to the point that I couldn't sit down or walk up and down stairs without being in pain. So, Maren asks me "what's wrong mommy?". I tell her I went to the gym to try and make my muscles stronger ( because I don't want to give my 6 year old a complex and tell her the real reason that I'm going, which is, let's face it, because I have way too much baby weight left...) and that sometimes your muscles get kind of sore when you do that, and we left it at that. The next day I was still complaining every time I went up the stairs and Maren tells me "Mommy, it's because your getting stronger and you're becoming a grandma...." HAHAHA! Yes. Clearly I'm an old woman in the eyes of my daughter and everyone her age.
Braden decide he wanted to take a shower in the sink...I walked in to find him sitting in it with the little sprayer thing in hand , hair and clothes all wet, not to mention the kitchen....Good times. My kids are awesome.


Sue said...

It's funny, but Maren and I talked about almost the same thing -- my butt was sore from using my muscles. So maybe that's why you're "becoming a grandma". hahaha

Jules AF said...

Aww Mawen and Bwaden. And you are pretty old.... haha :)

Kristine said...

Too cute! And I could see some of my kids doing that in the kitchen sink too.

Shewi128 said...

Loved this story. It made me laugh really hard.